Wednesday, 15 December 2010

War of 1812: still to come (Part 2)

Here is my planned army for my US force for 1812. This list is based on Major General Brown's force at Lundy's Lane 1814.

1st (Scott's) Brigade (all in grey coats)
  • 9th/25th Infantry
  • 11th/22nd Infantry
  • Artillery
2nd (Ripley's) Brigade (all in blue coats)
  • 21st infantry
  • 1st/23rd infanty
3rd (Militia) Brigade
  • Militia
  • Militia
Artillery and Cavalry
  • Artilery
  • Artilery
  • US Light Dragoons
So 2 regular brigades (one in grey, one in blue) a milita brigade, and a few guns and a squadron of dragoons. units in blue I don't yet have.

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

War of 1812: still to come

I've been thinking about what I want when I finish my 1812 collection. My idea is that it's roughly based on the orbat of Lundy's Lane. My infantry battalions are 12 men strong, cavalry 6, and artillery 1 gun with crew.

For the British Brigades (note these are not purley historical)

2nd (Light) Brigade
  • Glengarry Light Infantry
  • Canadian militia (good quality)
  • Light Dragoons
  • Artillery
1st (and 2nd) Militia Brigade
  • Canadian militia (poor quality)
  • Canadian militia (poor quality)
3rd (Morrison's) Brigade
  • 1st/8th/48th foot
  • 89th foot
  • Artillery (Congreve Rockets)
1st (Scott's) Brigade
  • 8th/104th
  • 103rd foot
  • Artillery
Now a few explinations; this is only based on the British force at Lundy's Lane, it is not the actualy orbat, it is designed as a gaming force bassed on historica ratios.
This force give 2 regular British brigades, a Light infantry brigade, and a militia brigade, fairly repersentive of Lieutenant General Dummonds army. The two historical militia brigades have been combide into one as both where only about 300 strong. Units in red are ones which I haven't yet got.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Wargames Factor shock Troops

Well I finally got some of Wargames Factory's Shock Troops/Greatcoat Troopers. They don't seem to have decided on one name, so both appear on the box. Anyway they are good little toy soldiers, nice and future fascist looking. Individually there not the best models in the world but in groups they certainly give the right impression. I painted up 11 the other weekend, as a bit of a test run. The uniform/coat colour is based on the Great War British colours. I would have gone for grey, but my GW Cadians have grey uniforms and I wanted to clearly distinguish them. They have black armour as it looks quite sinister, with the red eyes (and is quick to paint). I gave them brown boots and gloves, to offset the colours a bit, and the white stripes on the shoulders are rank markings. White both sides for troopers, half red on the right shoulder is something like specialist/PFC/Lance-Corporal. Whole red stripe on the right shoulder and white on the left are sergeants, and red both sides shows a soldier is an officer.

My only annoyance with the shock troops is the lack of weapon options available, it is comparable to the basic Cadian/Catachan infantry box, with a flamer and grenade launcher, but obviously the shock troops don't have a whole range behind them like the GW troops do.
Anyway I gave one the grenade launcher, but the flamer is well, really pathetic. I dont see any point in the other rifle options, so I gave all mine the standard issue one.
To fill out the options a bit I did a few conversions, the first simple arm/weapon swaps, one trooper got a Cadian flamer, one a Heavy bolter from the GW scout squad, and one a cadian radio back pack.

Then I made an officer by cutting a space marine scout sword arm off just bellow the shoulder pad and gluing it on the a shock trooper shoulder pad, and then cut off the water-pistol of his other arm and glued a bolt pistol on instead, simple but pretty cool.

I've got one and a half boxes left to build and paint, but I think I need to get a few more cadian weapon arms, to give the shock troops some more special/heavy weapons. Till next time...

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Empire Battle Wizard

Here are a couple of pics of my Empire wizard, this one uses the law of death on account that it's a quite shooty magic law. I can't deal with all those silly 'extra movement' spells or '-1 amour save' rubbish, I like a nice magic missile, and hence my other wizard uses the law of fire (but I haven't got any photos of him).
My Empire army is a long running... ...'project', I've got almost 1000pts at the moment. I tend do buy a new unit, maybe, once a year or so. The pair of wizards I got when they first came out in plastic ages ago. Around the same time I painted up 10 spear men.
However things are moving forward, though the post came a knightly order box and a general/battle standard bearer box, which will take the army over the 1000pts hump. But that'll be all in 2010 for Imperial reinforcements.

Tuesday, 17 August 2010


I was just thinking about starting a new era, and well, this is my thoughts about which one I might choose.
Firstly, the period would need to be something that would not need too many minis, mainly for costs, but also for the amount of time it would take me to get to playable armies. Also, I would have to be interested in the history of the era. Another point would be that the era was quite different from my current ones, (people might shoot me at this point), but the American civil war is quite similar to naps. I mean in both there is a lot of forming lines and fireing volleys of muskets at each other. My top list at the moment is:

A) English Civil War.

I love it! I'm really interested in it historically and there are warlords plastics as well. But, it is still a bit muskety. And, all those pike don't translate well into skirmish games. So, no.

B) American Civil War.

Like above, cheap plastic models available, I'm interested in the history, there's Nate Starbuck. But again still basically muskets.

C) Zulu War.

Plastics, check. Interesting, check. Nice uniforms, check. Small armies, check, good for skirmishes. And of course the British can be used in other colonial settings. (or in fack I will use my 1812 British, as I'm not that fussed about exact uniforms, A red coat is a read coat.) Not only that, it good for a bit of soloing like with the zombies. But, I just can't face painting loads of Zulus, if ever get over this fear, I think this is way I will go.

But alas, I'm holding back the flood gates, or rather the debit card for now. I might start something new in the future. However, I have lots still to do on my existing projects. First, for the war of 1812, I want some cavalry and Indians for both sides I reckon about £50 should cover this. For 40k I need various bits and bobs for my Imperial Guard and some chimeras, so that's probably at least £50 if not more. Then for the space marines I need at least one rhino, plus other tanks and a couple of squads need filling out. But, top on my list now is WHFB, I want to bulk out my empire with 10 more spearmen, a 30 man unit of swordsmen, as well as a regiment of knights. God know how much that will cost, hundreds of pounds!?! Then I want some mantic dwarfs, to build my dwarf army into at least 1000pts.

But before any of that buying, I have three cannons, and about 36 men from 1812 to paint. It looks like those Zulus are at the bottom of a long, long list....

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Upper Canada Militia

This is my just finished unit of the above in 1813 regulation uniform, according to my osprey book, they had green coats and red facings like so. The Canadian militia was (as far as I gather), uniformed where possible exactly as British regulars, although this was quite often not possible, as red coats could not always be found, particularly towards the start of the war. So many were issued green coats, but others just turned up in their civilian clothing.

I wanted a unit of generic unit of Canadians, and decided on green coats as opposed to red, to make them stand out as Canadian militia and not just another British unit, also it adds a different colour to the gaming table. Depending on the battle, I will use these as poor or average quality troops, whatever really. You will also probly notice they are dressed as light company with wings and green truft on their shakos. This emables them to be used as light infantry when I want. But also as just line militia as quite often militia units where uniformed and even equipt as light infantry, but with no training or expierience using light infantry tactics, they could act like nothing of the sort. So all in all a very useful wargames unit.

The officer you notice has got a red coat, I figure that he, providing his own uniform, would be able to buy red cloth for his own jacket at least.

Next time, I should have my victrix British Colonel painted up. After that I have a box of the victrix artillery waiting for me to glue it together, but that's still some time in the future yet...

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Space Marine Scouts

This here is my space marine scout squad, the newest addition to the army. I've tooled them up for close quarters; half with shotguns and half with bolt pistols and knives. As the rest of my space marine armies is quite shooty. Also I have converted the sergeant, to have a power weapon, for a bit more killy-ness. Tactically the general idea would be to infiltrate and maybe assault some weaker unit, or act as a speed bump.
They are painted in the colours of my (as yet un-named) chapter, with silver amour and red shoulder pads, The cloth then has an urban style camo pattern, of codex grey base with shadow grey 'Y' shapes, and white spots in pairs.

My space marine army grows rather slowly as I only get excited about 40k when I have a game, (not that often) and then I buy a unit. This lot I bought at easter, but didn't finish paiting them till just the other week. Next for my marines will probs be a tank of some sort, although which one I have no idea (heck, I dont even have the codex). But before that I'm currently working on a 12 man unit of Canadian militia for 1812...

Monday, 9 August 2010


I'm sure most wargames have this problem; with so many cool mini's and historical periods as well as sci-fi and fantasy, which again have many alternates games and themes etc. It can be hard to resist buying as many as possible. Thus ending up with lots of half finished armies and projects for which you lose interest.
Well this is me all over, I now try to focus on my main interests; The war of 1812, Warhammer and 40K. True to this I haven't bough anything for anything other than these 3, since at least Christmas (8 months!). These 3 fulfill my need to kill evil orcs and undead etc, kill evil aliens and to have a proper historical setting in which to do hard core research into, refight historical battles and play skirmish games.
Saying that, my warhammer collecting breaks down into The Empire (my main army), orcs and goblins and dwarfs, For 40k I'm collecting imperial guard, space marines as well as small side armies of Tau and orks. Thank sigmar, 1812 only has two sides!
Anyway, The Tangent:


This here is a prime example, I got these off a man called matakishi, anyway he has a nice website, but I saw these thought ahhh cool, and bought them. They then sat in a box for about a year, till I painted them just the other week, but even now they are painted I don't have a use for them. Still, they look nice on the shelf, and I do enjoy a spot of painting.
They where however a bastard to glue together...

Thursday, 15 July 2010

More 1812 painted

I have now at this moment of writing actually painted all my 1812 miniatures that I own!!! 1 box of perry British infantry and 1 box of victrix British infantry. A break down of what I've painted them as is in the previous post. But, here are some pictures of the 'brigades', well if you assume each 12 man unit is a battalion. I don't know tho, I'm toying with making them 16 or maybe shrinking them down to 10, I dunno. I should work out what rules I want to use, so know how big units should be.

The Americans and the British
(click for bigger pic)

The new units are the sort of militia or line U.S. unit. The green faced British unit with grey trousers, as well as the rifles and British light company in the foreground. You may also notice I have now moved my wargaming up into my loft where I have a 4 foot by 4 foot table.


Thursday, 8 July 2010

Back to canada

I had this idea to try to paint all my unpainted troops over summer, and not to buy any new toys till I have. How long this will last, I don't know. Anyway so the fist thing I have pulled out is my 1812 stuff. I took these pics a week ago so I have actually finished a lot of the unpainted stuff in these photos. I am organising my forces in units of roughly 12 most often including an officer, Sergeant and drummer, maybe even a standard.

Pics 1 &2: All 24 Victrix that I have painted as British line infantry

A day or two of painting and I will have:
  • 12 British Line (with officer, drummer and Sergeant)
  • 12 British line (with officer and Sergeant)
  • 12 British line (with officer, standard and drummer)
  • 6 British light company
  • 7 British Rifles (with Sergeant)
Of course any of these could be used as Canadians, as they where uniformed as the British regulars where possible. I have held off painting a unit specifically as Canadian till I have a larger collection. When I do, I'll do then in green coats faced red and with blue/grey trousers; like the upper Canada militia were uniformed in 1813. This uniform will distinguish them from British regulars, paricually in a game and besides I quite like that look. Also when I get the next box of perry infantry the light company will go up to 12 strong.

As for the americans:
  • 12 Line (grey coats)
  • 12 line (blue coats)
  • 18 Poorly uniformed line or militia
I did 12 with grey coats (scott's brigade) just for a bit of varity. The unit of 18 has some men in full uniform, some in civilian dress and some inbetween, so they can be used as ragged line infantry or a half uniformed militia. my next purchase for the americans will be some perry plastic french dragoons, to convert to US light dragoons.

Pic 3: Rifles and milita

Pic 4: more british on the workbench

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Goblins 'Fousands of 'em!

I've been busy, paining the 60 goblin infantry from BFSP, here's a few poor photos of them. I've gone for a fairly generic night goblin look, with dark robes mostly blacks and browns; with a few blue hoods thrown in. You notice the white moons on the shields, they were going to be yellow, but once I finished the base coat of white I decided I quite liked the white on black look; so have kept with it. When I start the Orcs I will stay with the black, brown and blue colour scheme to make the army look somewhat unified. These goblins aren't fully finished, the flesh still needs shading as do the dwarfs, but at least there now an acceptable gaming standard.
Next up on the painting desk is the spider riders...

Friday, 28 May 2010

Axes of the Dwarves!

WELL the other week I bought the battle for skull pass set, as I can see it going OOP, with the new edition of warhammer this summer.
The plan being: the goblins will help expand my small orc force (from the previous edition stater set, y'know the one with empire and orcs) to 1000pts.

Also, the dwarfes from bfsp will be the nucleus of a 1000pts dwarf army, which hopefully won't be a too expensive project with their 'high' points per dwarf (joke). My idea is to bulk up the warriors and miners to units of about 20, and then add a unit of crossbows and a runesmith and then take stock. I'll post a predicted army list soon.

Anyhoo, here are some pictures of the mostly painted dwarf army, (not the best pics, I know).

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Few LOTRs Pics

I know there haven't been post for ages. It's mainly 'cus at uni, I don't really do much on the wargames front.
Anyway, here is a couple of pics of my mordor army (all painted now) fighting my grey company army both about 500pts i think, and a boat I built in a flight of fancy. You can see it has room to trasport the orcs and room for the cross-bow to shoot at the goodies. Also theres a couple of pics of my brothers Harad army too.