I was just thinking about starting a new era, and well, this is my thoughts about which one I might choose.
Firstly, the period would need to be something that would not need too many minis, mainly for costs, but also for the amount of time it would take me to get to playable armies. Also, I would have to be interested in the history of the era. Another point would be that the era was quite different from my current ones, (people might shoot me at this point), but the American civil war is quite similar to naps. I mean in both there is a lot of forming lines and fireing volleys of muskets at each other. My top list at the moment is:
A) English Civil War.
I love it! I'm really interested in it historically and there are warlords plastics as well. But, it is still a bit muskety. And, all those pike don't translate well into skirmish games. So, no.
B) American Civil War.
Like above, cheap plastic models available, I'm interested in the history, there's Nate Starbuck. But again still basically muskets.
C) Zulu War.
Plastics, check. Interesting, check. Nice uniforms, check. Small armies, check, good for skirmishes. And of course the British can be used in other colonial settings. (or in fack I will use my 1812 British, as I'm not that fussed about exact uniforms, A red coat is a read coat.) Not only that, it good for a bit of soloing like with the zombies. But, I just can't face painting loads of Zulus, if ever get over this fear, I think this is way I will go.
But alas, I'm holding back the flood gates, or rather the debit card for now. I might start something new in the future. However, I have lots still to do on my existing projects. First, for the war of 1812, I want some cavalry and Indians for both sides I reckon about £50 should cover this. For 40k I need various bits and bobs for my Imperial Guard and some chimeras, so that's probably at least £50 if not more. Then for the space marines I need at least one rhino, plus other tanks and a couple of squads need filling out. But, top on my list now is WHFB, I want to bulk out my empire with 10 more spearmen, a 30 man unit of swordsmen, as well as a regiment of knights. God know how much that will cost, hundreds of pounds!?! Then I want some mantic dwarfs, to build my dwarf army into at least 1000pts.
But before any of that buying, I have three cannons, and about 36 men from 1812 to paint. It looks like those Zulus are at the bottom of a long, long list....