Monday 9 August 2010


I'm sure most wargames have this problem; with so many cool mini's and historical periods as well as sci-fi and fantasy, which again have many alternates games and themes etc. It can be hard to resist buying as many as possible. Thus ending up with lots of half finished armies and projects for which you lose interest.
Well this is me all over, I now try to focus on my main interests; The war of 1812, Warhammer and 40K. True to this I haven't bough anything for anything other than these 3, since at least Christmas (8 months!). These 3 fulfill my need to kill evil orcs and undead etc, kill evil aliens and to have a proper historical setting in which to do hard core research into, refight historical battles and play skirmish games.
Saying that, my warhammer collecting breaks down into The Empire (my main army), orcs and goblins and dwarfs, For 40k I'm collecting imperial guard, space marines as well as small side armies of Tau and orks. Thank sigmar, 1812 only has two sides!
Anyway, The Tangent:


This here is a prime example, I got these off a man called matakishi, anyway he has a nice website, but I saw these thought ahhh cool, and bought them. They then sat in a box for about a year, till I painted them just the other week, but even now they are painted I don't have a use for them. Still, they look nice on the shelf, and I do enjoy a spot of painting.
They where however a bastard to glue together...

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