Monday 17 January 2011

Scott's Brigade

Here is another unit I painted over the Christmas holidays, It represents one of the Regiments in Winfield Scott's Brigade on the Niagara in 1814. Scott couldn't find enough blue cloth for his Brigade, so they got grey colour coats.

The officer has however got a blue coat this is because the officers bought their own uniform. The drummer has reverse facing colours as was the norm, however as the proper uniform of the unit should be blue coat, red facings, so the drummer has the reverse of that, not the reverse of grey on grey. Which wouldn't work anyway.

Here is a private, I filled off the Shoulder 'puffs' and lace on the cuff off the jacket, for correctness. The US army gave up on fancy uniform details later in the war, when it became obvious they could not uniform the whole army properly.

These go along side another US unit already painted in grey to form my representation of Scott's Brigade. I just need to make Towson's artillery battery to finish the brigade off.

Till next time.....

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