Monday 24 January 2011

15mm Travel Wargame Set.

WTF 15mm scale?!? Now normally I only buy 28mm tall toy soldiers, because I enjoy painting them in that size, (I have a sneaking suspicion I would really enjoy painting even bigger figures). I have dabbled in the dreaded 1:72 plastic figures, which I don't enjoy painting 'cus it just comes off when the rifle or ankles bend during the course of normal use, there are also several reasons I have gone off them, another reason I only normally do 28mm is because they have a visual appeal when painted. But all this what scale is best argument is not something I'll bore you with now, (maybe another time, eh?). My general opinion is just collect what you like the most, it's your hobby, but more importantly your money.

Anyway, so how did a 28mm fan, end up with a 15mm collection. Well it all started out when I had an idea, to have a 'travel' wargames set. This is because I live in two places, part of the time in England and part of my time in Wales, every few months I need to travel between these two places. And I like to take some miniatures to game with between them.

So what I needed was a travel game set, like you see for monopoly or Scrabble, the travel version of the game. Not to play on the train or back seat of the car, but to play on a bed side table, or a coffee table any small corner of flat space.

The first thing was to write down the criteria for a travel wargame.
  • only needs small area to play
  • quickish game, (no more than a couple of hours to finish)
  • entirely self contained in one small box (all the pieces, dice, terrain, etc.)
So I googled 'travel wargame' and it came up with nothing usful. So I searched 'small wargame' and found this LINK ...

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