Sunday, 30 September 2012

War of the Roses (3) Knights

I haven't posted in a while but there hasn't been a let up in painting. Here are 10 knights I've painted for the Wars of the Roses. I've done 5 in blue and 5 in red. They are Perry Plastics, I really like them, but I find painting cavalry is hard work. It's the horses which are the killer for me. I've got another 14 on the sprues, but I'll have to do some slightly less grinding painting first.


I've also painted a couple of  WotR generals to lead my armies, They aren't meant to be any specific commanders, just generic nobles.


My next project is world war one in 28mm scale. This is somthing I've wanted to do since my very first non-GW models, which where some of the 1914 Renegade miniatues. Thats was over 5 years ago, and I never got more than 2 squads and a HMG each of Germans and British.
I'm now turning to late war, so I can use all the fun things like grenades, lewis guns, light morters, flamethrowers, stormtroopers and even maybe a tank. So there will be a lot more of these on the blog at some point, I'm still waiting on an order from Renegade miniatures. In the mean time I'm paiting up a few packs of Great War Minatures British I got of ebay. 
Thats how for now.


Sunday, 20 May 2012

Some 1812 pics

So here are a few photos of a game I had using Sharpe Practice. The scenario was based on the Perfect captains John Bull scenario generator. I rolled beach Landing. There was no beach landing in my game. But basically, the US startedwith half thier force entering the table edge. The British started with 1/3 of thier force on the centre line of the table. The rest of the american force would arive when the initial troops had taken the center line (the beach in the scenario). The rest of the British arrive arrived shortly after this, in two 'waves' of a 1/3 of the army each.

 These are pictures right at the end of the game,  the 2nd wave of British reinforcements has just arrived. Unfortuantly for the Americans it was a unit of the 95th rifles and the Grenadiers of the 89th foot. 

This next picture show the US high tide. Sadly it was only two milita units, so at this point the americans fell back to the beach.

Here are the US Rifles I was painting last month, who put up a good showing in thier first battle. Next on the painting table are 6 more indians, to make the unit up to 12 warriors.

Till next time, whenever that is....

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Generals and WIP rifles

So here are a few pics of my latest paintings. Two generals from perry miniatures, and two from knuckleduster miniatures.

And lastly some work in progress US Rifles also from Knuckleduster.

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Crysler's Farm (sort of)

So the other weekend out came my War of 1812 stuff. Here is the result a battle using Black powder based on The Battle of Crysler's Farm in 1813.

The Deployment, The British with Light Infantry and Indians along the wall on the edge of the lane. The Americans advancing across the fields.

Deployment from the British point of view. 2 British battalions and a Canadian militia form the British 2nd Line.

The initial fight goes against the British. A Blundered order pulls the Light infantry back.

Then the Indians break after a volly from the advancing US infantry.

The Light Infantry make it back to the wall, but are defeated by a US bayonet charge.

On the right the Americans advance unaposed till they reach the 2nd line and engage the British.

More Americans joint the fight

Eventually the British battalion fails a break test.

These last two photos show, the remaining British troops pull back. But the Americans hold the field, with more troops marching up to join them

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Wars of the Roses (2)

So although have a new job, which means I have less painting time, I have still been working on my WOTR project. I have come to the conclusion, that I will base my forces on the 1469-1471 Campaigns ie Barnet and Tewkesbury and other what ifs. With that in mind I have orders the relavant osprey.

Anyway freshly painted are all my men at arms, and some tudor/welsh bow and bills.

First are the Bills in Green and white

Next are the archers also in green and white, I have yet to decide whether the bow and bills will be deployed in mixed units or seperately.

And Finally two units of 10 men at arms.

Next up mercanary crossbowmen...