Sunday, 18 December 2011

War of the Roses

Well, I sorta bought a box of the "perry miniatures Wars of the Roses Infantry" and a box of the "Mercenaries" as well. Mainly to be generic fantasy Humans to fight my Mantic Undead, but also for a bit of Wars of the Roses as well. I have since bought another box of infantry.

This is what I have painted so far.

You can see a group of billmen in Blue and Murry, and a group of men at arms, and some odd bowmen at the back. My Plan is to do two sides with what I have both with a unit of Bill, a unit of bow and a unit of men at arms. One side will have blue and murry livery (Edward IV/Richard III) , the other green and white (Welsh/Tudors).
That should use up about 60 of the troops leaving another 60, of which some will be crossbow men, but that's as far as I have planned.

Some Yorkist archers

The first of the Tudors

With some creative part swapping I managed to get 20 men at arms out of three boxes. These are just the first 8 painted.

All of this means My ratio of archers to men at arms is none of the bold claims of 4:1 or even 2:1 but in fact 1:2, or more truthfully Archers to Bill to MAA 1:1:1, based on an article of Miniature Wargames and the Basic impetus lists.

Yorkist Bills