I've been thinking about what I want when I finish my 1812 collection. My idea is that it's roughly based on the orbat of Lundy's Lane. My infantry battalions are 12 men strong, cavalry 6, and artillery 1 gun with crew.
For the British Brigades (note these are not purley historical)
2nd (Light) Brigade
- Glengarry Light Infantry
- Canadian militia (good quality)
- Light Dragoons
- Artillery
1st (and 2nd) Militia Brigade
- Canadian militia (poor quality)
- Canadian militia (poor quality)
3rd (Morrison's) Brigade
- 1st/8th/48th foot
- 89th foot
- Artillery (Congreve Rockets)
1st (Scott's) Brigade
- 8th/104th
- 103rd foot
- Artillery
Now a few explinations; this is only based on the British force at Lundy's Lane, it is not the actualy orbat, it is designed as a gaming force bassed on historica ratios.
This force give 2 regular British brigades, a Light infantry brigade, and a militia brigade, fairly repersentive of Lieutenant General Dummonds army. The two historical militia brigades have been combide into one as both where only about 300 strong. Units in
red are ones which I haven't yet got.